Emballer les pâtisseries en France est tout un art. Cette excellente vidéo sur You Tube en fait la démonstration. La vidéo sur la vitesse régulière est un peu rapide. Si vous avez des difficultés à comprendre, utilisez l’icône de réglage pour la mettre à la vitesse juste en-dessous.
Packing pastries in France is quite an art. This excellent video on You Tube demonstrates it. The video on regular speed is a bit fast. If you have trouble understanding it, use the setting icon to set it to the speed just below.
Les sous-titres ne sont pas toujours corrects. Vous trouverez donc une version en français et une version en anglais ci-dessous que vous pouvez télécharger.
Subtitles are not always correct. Therefore, you will find a French and an English version below that you can download.
Welcome to some casual French conversation. We’ve been having them for the past 10 years and enjoy sharing our knowledge.
French Conversation Gatherings Happen When?
We’re meeting for a casual French conversation on various topics every month. I usually set a point of interest for the only reason that without one many people do not dare speaking.
I actually run three different meetups organized around the level of speaking skills of the participants.
For those who have the basics and want to improve speaking skills and vocabulary, I suggest our book reading hour. We read several chapters aloud together, I correct pronunciation and explain new vocabulary as needed. Each participant read individually in turn: French Conversation Online.
Finally we have the beginner group where we do various things. We may watch a video, read a poem or a small book, explain some grammar rules or French expressions to look like a French speaker, drill the pronunciation etc.Simi Valley French Language Meetup Group
How Do we Go About it?
Since the main purpose of our meeting is for you to practice your French speaking skills, you’ve got to say something! Listening is not enough. Sharing is important. Knowing in advance what you will be talking about brings up your confidence so you can get the most of out it.
I specifically require that each participant prepares a little presentation to the group of his take on the subject. From there, French conversation can occur. It also ensures that everyone gets the opportunity to communicate in French. Otherwise, you have those who overpower those who are shy and half of the assembly does not say a word. This doesn’t happen in our group. Each person has his/her time to practice and express themselves. Well, of course, the homework is not mandatory but If you’re not fluent, I highly recommend it to not be put on the spot! Yes, I do go around the table and make sure everyone has a chance to put their thoughts out loud.
We Are Celebrating Our 10th Anniversary (updated in 2023)
This coming August, we’ll be factually celebrating our 10th anniversary. During that time, we’ve touched just about everything and anything: any particulars on a date on the calendar such as 4th and 14th July, scuba diving, astronomy, health, recycling, entertainment, travel, books, films, Noble prizes, French expressions, bridges in the world, favorite songs, geography, customs, history, science, etc. etc. We’ve played games, had strolls, shared a French pastry, been to the movies. In short, we never out of imagination to stimulate our brains with the French language.
Enjoying French Conversation with a French Pastry
The best is all what we learn from one another as our participants are very creative and always bring up new interesting tidbits about so many different aspects of life and livingness.
Is This French Conversation Group for You?
So now you’re wondering if this French conversation group really fits your hopes.
As long as you love the French language, the French culture, its exquisite cuisine, its diverse coastline and peaceful countryside, the “je ne sais quoi” in Paris that turns your heart upside down, the love for freedom, you’re a good candidate for our group.
Whether you’re a beginner or fluent, you can find your place and what you’re looking for, improving your French, brushing it up, taking the rust off, finding friendships with similar likes, simply relax and have a good time enjoying one hour of French conversation.
Frankly it is also simply fun and relaxing. You discover new habits and customs. Your mind’s view of the world enlarges and takes on a whole new level of perceptions.
To experience all the fun and the exhilaration of sharing a new language, I invite you to our next meeting if you can make it. This group is for those who are fluent or close to, or those who can read it and write it but cannot speak. You’ve got to get your feet wet. Prepare what you’re going to say and go from there. Click here to RSVP.
For any question make a free 30-minute appointment