Where do I place French adjectives?

Where do I place French adjectives s’il vous plait? I hear you, you’ve been told that French adjectives go after the noun. However, you found out that this is not always the case so, you’re a little bit confused as to where to put them. I feel your pain: do I place French adjectives in front of the noun or after?

French Adjectives Go After the Noun as a Standard Rule

Let me help you out. Yes, the general rule is French adjectives go after the noun:
Tu portes une robe rouge – You are wearing a red dress.
Il fait un exercice difficile – He’s doing a difficult exercise.
C’est une élève intelligente – She’s a smart student.

So far, so good. This would be too simple and no fun! Here are exceptions where French adjectives are placed in front of the noun:

place French adjectives

Photo by Daria Shetsova from Pexels — — Un bel étalage — un étalage magnifique — a beautiful display

Exceptions to Adjectives After the Noun

  • Short adjectives used frequently usually go in front of the noun:

C’est une petite fille – It’s a little girl.
ll m’a apporté de belles/jolies fleurs – He brought me some nice flowers.
C’est une grande maison – This is a big house.
Nous avons rencontré un vieil homme – We met an old man.
Bonne journée – Have a good day.

  • Numbers go in front of the noun and if there are several adjectives, numbers go in front of all other French adjectives:

Quatre jeunes hommes bavardaient – Four young men were chatting.
Elle a acheté une livre de cerises – She bought one pound of cherries.

Premier, Dernier, Prochain

  • First, last and next (premier, dernier, prochain) French adjectives go in front for noun designating a series.

Le premier gagnant recevra des fleurs – (the first in a series) The first winner will receive flowers.
Le dernier des Mohicans – (the last in a series) The last of the Mohicans.
La prochaine voiture devra s’arrêter – (the next in a series) The next car will have to stop.

  • But dernier et prochain are placed after nouns indicating an exact date in time:

Per the rule of the series we say:
Je te verrai le dernier lundi du mois – I’ll see you on the last Monday of the month.
But to indicate a precise date we say: Je l’ai vu lundi dernier – I saw him last Monday.
The same for prochain: J’irai te voir lundi prochain – I’ll come see you next Monday.

The Position of French Adjectives Changes their Meaning

Sometimes the meaning is very different depending on where you place French adjectives, in front or after the noun:

Je connais un homme très grand – I know a very tall man.
C’est un grand homme – It’s a great/important man.

Nous avons visité une maison ancienne – We visited an old house.
C’est mon ancienne maison – It’s my old house.

C’est une femme seule – She’s a lonely woman.
Il y a une seule femme – There is only one woman.

Un appartement propre – A clean appartment.
Mon propre appartement – My own appartement.

Un voisin curieux – A nosy neighbor.
Un curieux voisin – An odd neighbor.

Une visite chère – An expensive visit.
Une chère visite – A dear visit.

This is not an exhaustive list of French adjectives with a different meaning whether placed in front or after the noun of course but these are common adjectives. The difficulties with adjectives do not end here. There are more intricacies to marvel your mind. Here you’ll find more subtleties.

Brigitte is a French native delivering one-on-one online French classes. Contact me here.

You can also join us for one hour of French conversation here.

We are publishing our French Semimonthly every two weeks.
It’s full of tips and good news!

New French Words

New French words spoken by the people force them to eventually enter the French Dictionaries every year. They come from what the French borrow from what they live day in, day out, from other languages such as English, or areas such as Africa, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, etc.

Maybe those which have taken the less time  to get into the dictionary are related to the current pandemic. French and foreign newspapers made a big deal out of it.  As a comparison, in 1990 a review of the French language brought about several changes. However, it took until 2016 for these to
appear in the French dictionaries!

New French Words of Our Times

According to an article in Le Monde published in May 2019, the 2020 Petit Larousse dictionary has an addition of some 150 new French words.

For example, “divulgâcher,” which obviously comes from to “divulge” and “spoil,” (“gâcher” in French) and means to reveal prematurely.

“Ubériser” which is to make an existing business model obsolete.

The Bio-plastic Word Case

Another new French word: le “bioplastique,” which indicates either biodegradable plastic, or plastic originating from biodegradable resources. However it may not be necessarily biodegradable, depending on what processes were applied to it. It took a considerable amount of time for the word to enter the French dictionary.

Indeed, it is interesting to note that bioplastic already existed in ancient Egypt and reappeared in the 17th century with the discovery of natural rubber. However, what is considered as the first plastic is a mixture of cellulose, nitric acid and camphor discovered in 1855 by Alexander Parkers (English chemist and metallurgist) and marketed in 1869 in the United States by the Hyatt brothers.

Pixabay – Rubber Tree

In the early 1920s, IG Farben began manufacturing petroleum-based plastics. The use of bioplastics is somehow “disappearing” until humanity begins to realize the damage to the aquatic fauna due to the tons of plastics thrown into the ocean that do not break down.

new French words
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels – bored out

Next, a new word coming from the English language:  “bore-out” which means to be professionally depressed by uninteresting work.

The Pandemic New Words

And now let us have a look at Le Petit Robert 2121. It welcomes the words of the pandemic, among others, “la Covid,” which is Covid-19 of course.

As a point everyone in France is talking about “le Covid” but l’Académie Française has decided that it should be “la Covid” because it is referring to an illness which stands for “la maladie” and is a feminine noun. But when this word came out, everyone was saying “le coronavirus” because “virus” is masculine, thus people transferred “le coronavirus” into “le Covid.”  We do need our Academicians to keep us on the rails.  

new french words
Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

Then we have “le déconfinement,”  this is ending the lockdown, “télétravailler,” meaning  telecommuting,  “le patient zéro,” which represents the patient from which a viral disease originates.

English Origin Words

There are many others that cover other fields. Here are a few:

Un “texto,” to name a digital text, la “story,” which is to tell one’s story, “Lady Gaga,” le “cloud,” le “bot, “brainstormer” and “spammer,” all coming from the English language. None of these should be new words for you.

21st Century New Words

new french words
Image by Jan Alexander

We also have “reconditionné,” meaning “repackaged,” as well as  “technophile,” lover of technology and “technophobe,” hater of technology!

Sources: Le monde May 19, 2020 – https://www.lemonde.fr/culture/article/2019/05/07/adulescence-uberiser-bore-out-klouker-les-nouveaux-mots-du-dictionnaire_5459430_3246.html
Le Petit Robert.com  – https://www.lerobert.com/mots-nouveaux-petit-robert.html

To get help with French new words or old French words write to learnfrenchwithbrigitte@gmail.com

Whether you’re a beginner or looking to brush up on your French, these phrases, from greetings and introductions to common expressions used in daily life, will help you build a foundation for basic French conversation. Mastering these 100 essential phrases will set you on the path to becoming a confident French speaker.
You get the text and the audio. And we’ll send you more. If there is a particular topic you want covered. Write back and let us know.

French Vocabulary, Improve It!

French vocabulary


French Vocabulary Note

The best way to improve your French vocabulary is to speak, read and listen. Below is a French text to read. Get the concept of each sentence and then write a summary of your understanding of the text. You can write this summary in French or in English as you please. The objective here is to increase your French vocabulary.

Une balade matinale

Les pénombres de la nuit commençent à peine à s’estomper. L’air frais et vif me pique le bout du nez. Je marche le long du chemin près des appartements encore endormis. De temps en temps, le son d’une voiture brise le silence en contre-haut.  

Je m’engage maintenant sur la rue principale. Une femme, en pantalon et emmitouflée d’un bonnet blanc, marche à bonne allure sur le trottoir d’en face.


À l’horizon les lueurs du jour effleurent la crête des collines qui entourent la vallée.  Les corbeaux me survolent en direction de l’ouest. L’aube est leur signal de départ pour la journée. Ce soir, ils reviendront par centaines à la tombée de la nuit. Quelques-uns se sont arrêtés sur les branches d’un chêne. L’un d’eux commence à battre des ailes. Il bascule de la branche et tombe d’un mètre, à peu près, dans l’air, avant de déployer ses ailes et de reprendre sa volée pour suivre ses compagnons.

Le carrefour est vide, deux ou trois automobiles seulement y sont. Je traverse la route pour prendre la promenade qui longe le terrain de golf. Une gelée blanche couvre les pelouses du golf et les buissons de romarin qui bordent la route. Un mélange de rose et de bleu pâles peignent le ciel autour des hauteurs. J’arrive à Martha Morrison Drive, j’y fais demi-tour.

La lumière

La clarté du jour est là. Le son d’un aspirateur souffleur à feuilles s’élève dans le parc. Les premiers golfeurs sont sur le terrain, en short et chapeautés pour affronter le soleil qui ne va pas tarder à se montrer. Déjà, ses rayons se répandent sur les plus hauts sommets. L’atmosphère exhibe un bleu azur.

Les voitures se multiplient, d’autres randonneurs se joignent à l’éveil de la nature et la venue de la lumière. Tout brille, la journée s’annonce chaleureuse et riante.

Next Step to Improve your French Vocabulary

Now that you have done the exercise laid out at the beginning, read the English text below.

A Morning Stroll

The darkness of the night is just beginning to fade. The fresh, crisp air is stinging the tip of my nose. I’m walking along the path by the apartments which are still asleep. From time to time, the sound of a car on the road above breaks the silence.

I am now on the main street. A woman, wearing trousers and wrapped in a white bonnet, walks at a good pace on the opposite sidewalk.


On the horizon, the daylight touches the crest of the hills that surround the valley. The crows, going west, fly over me. Dawn is their hint to leave for the day. Tonight, they will return by the hundreds at dusk. A few have stopped on the branches of an oak tree. One of them is beginning to flap, it swings off the branch and falls about three feet into the air before spreading its wings and resuming its flight to follow its companions.

The crossroads is empty, only two or three cars are there. I cross the road to take the boardwalk along the golf course. Frost covers the golf lawns and the rosemary bushes that line the road. A mixture of pale pink and blue paints the sky around the heights. I get to Martha Morrison Drive, I turn around.


The day is here. The sound of a leaf blower rises in the park. The first golfers are on the field, in shorts and hats to face the sun which will soon show up. Already, its rays are spreading on the highest peaks. The atmosphere exhibits a pure azure.

Cars are multiplying, other hikers are joining the awakening of nature and the coming of the light. Everything is shining, the day promises to be warm and cheerful.

How do you feel about your French vocabulary on a morning stroll?

Did you learn a few words? Was it easy? Do you have any questions? Do you feel you have increased your French vocabulary? How did you do? Let me know in the comments.

Last Note

Join us for one hour of French conversation here.


Made in France (MIF) Expo


Where is the Made in France Expo?

The Made in France (MIF) Expo occurred in Paris at the Porte de Versailles at the beginning of the month, from November 8 to November 11.

Made in France Expo

How Popular is the Made In France Expo?

Since its inception in 2012, the Made in France exhibition has exploded. Indeed, the first year welcomed 80 businesses and 15,000 visitors. And, this year the expo listed 563 exhibitors and about 70,000 consumers/professionals checked in.                                                 

You could get in free if you had registered on the internet in advance. Otherwise, you were paying 10 Euros to go through the doors; however, you were reimbursed when you made your first purchase.

The magazine L’Usine Nouvelle reports on a survey made on 306 enterprises who favor the label Made in France. Per this report, 62% think the label is key for the sales. Others think that though people appreciate that it is Made in France, they still purchase what is the least expensive. At the same time, 48% think it is difficult to become widely known.  This, most likely explains why the Made in France Expo sees an increasing number of exhibitors each year as this is the perfect means to get their brand out to the world.

Where are the Exhibitors From?

The exhibition hall was divided by region, a total of eight different areas:
Nouvelle Aquitaine,
Pays de la Loire,
Grand Est,
Gard (Part East of the Occitaine area)

Map: Courtesy of https://www.france-pub.com

Who is Exhibiting at the Made in France Expo?

The different sectors represented were as follows: 
Vehicles and mobility;                4 exhibitors  
Three bicycles (Cavale, Manivelle, Oklö) and a big brand – Toyota which manufactures the Yaris for the French market in Onnaing, France near Valenciennes in the Nord department.
Sports and hobbies;                    7 exhibitors 
Innovative snowshoe (EVVO), smart carrying of your skis (KLIPSKI), sport clothing (LAFITTE-SPRINGART) (OGARUN), accordeons (MAUGEIN), wooden equilibrium board (OREKA), lacing system (UNCHAIN LACING SYSTEM)     

Fashion and accessories;                228 exhibitors
Media;                                  1 exhibitor 
FIMIF (Federation Independante du Made in France)
Label;                                   3 exhibitors 
(Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat du Gard) (France Terre Textile) (Label Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant)
Games, toys and childhood;                21 exhibitors
Innovation;                               17 exhibitors               
High tech;                                 3 exhibitors 
Small dishwasher (DAAN TECH) 3D printing (DAGOMA) hypnose mask (DREAMINZZ-HYPNOS)
Gastronomy;                                 92 exhibitors
Beauty and wellness;                         64 exhibitors
Art of living;                               123 exhibitors

Made in France Arbitrary picks

I picked three Businesses which products are Made in France which I particularly like.

Made in France

La Botte Gardiane

The first one is La Botte Gardiane producing handcrafted boots, shoes, and sandals since 1958, all 100% made in France. This manufacturer stands in Aigues-Vives in the South of France in the Camargue. Originally, the boots were designed for the “gardians”, the French cowboys looking after bulls and cows in the area.

The manufacturer managed to survive economic turndowns and today you can order directly online your custom shoes.

They use the best leathers supplied by tanneries used by luxury brands such as Hermes, Ralph Lauren, etc.  The sole of their shoes is sewn, glued and nailed by hand. They are the last French bootmaker producing this type of mounting. The very reason why their brand has been labeled “Living Heritage Company” since 2007 by the government.

Daan Tech

My second pick is a company that has not yet put something on the market. They need to rebuild the manufacturing lines lost to China and hire the personnel to produce. They are well on their way to do so.

Their idea is one that fills a definite need and will at the same time save a lot of water. They already have 5000 pre-orders that they plan on delivering in summer 2020.

I’m introducing Daan Tech and their baby: Bob. Bob is a mini dishwasher for 2 people which cleans the dishes in 20 minutes. Bob is compact (13x19x19 inches). It uses five times less water than handwashing. Bob consumes only .35 kWh and disconnects automatically from the main power once it’s done. And, it will open automatically for drying.


My third pick is an electric bike by the name of Coleen. Though it has a 100km range (62 miles), the motor is small, built within the frame, you don’t see it. Its aesthetics appeals to the senses. The bike is simple, sleek, feels like urban as well as ready for the countryside. It comes with an anti-theft GPS system and requires no key to start. You lock it and unlock it with your phone. However, I checked with the company, you can use the bike without your phone and… keep the GPS system if needed. It is Made in France in Biarritz.

Blue Man Group

The Blue Man Group at last!

I have been hearing about the Blue Man Group for so long, I finally got the chance to catch the show! Some years back, the group had even bought some of my travel bottles which I was selling on Amazon. At that time, I had decided that one day I should go find out what they do. And that day came this past Sunday.

Blue Man

I didn’t know what to expect having never done any research on the group. Well, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. In short, for those in a hurry, it’s a loud and live entertaining lighting and sound performance. But beware, this is really the short of it. Be ready for the unexpected!

Blue Man Group Opening

At the very beginning, the Blue Man Group (3 blue faces) seems like three lost souls from another planet trying to figure out where they’ve just landed. The space itself is rather grim, bunch of screens and not much happening.

As they move around trying the various apparatus, the show takes speed and they soon have the public interest high, literally sitting on the edge of their seats.

Skilled Performers

These are genuine artists. They’re performing mimes from the beginning to the end to an engrossed and laughing crowd. They excel at beating a drum and hitting a xylophone and absorb spectators in a fast-paced action.

The definite clincher is their ability to engage audience participation. And they do so all throughout the show.

There were two kids, 10 or 12, in the row just in front of me on my right. They were electrified. I can attest they enjoyed the production from start to finish. And, they were not alone, energy and enthusiasm were filling the room.  I’ll give you a hint: The cleaners do have some work to do in between presentations for sure!

Since when has the Blue Man Group been on the road?

The Blue Man Group originated in Manhattan by three friends in 1987 and started public appearance just after the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. The Group has performed not only throughout the United States but also all over the world in Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Japan,  Australia, New Zealand, The Philippines, China, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, Chili, Argentina, Russia and Canada. They were bought by Le Cirque du Soleil in 2017.

Last points

The show lasts about one hour and forty minutes. As a side note, it takes them about 30 to 45 minutes to take off the blue make-up. Without a doubt, you’ve got to be an excellent drummer and actor to have the honor to be a Blue Man.

I highly recommend seeing the performance.


Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Man_Group

The Café interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjbOs7F11Q8

Business Insider Reportage: https://www.businessinsider.com/blue-man-group-behind-the-scenes-new-york-city-2018-6


Cafe liegeois
Me in Paris, enjoying the biggest café liégeois I have ever had! It took me one hour to make it disappear…

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learn French with Brigitte
scroll down a bit and find the button “write a review”, click and write.

Yelp – Click on the red box “write a review” when you arrive on the page:

If you prefer sending me a write up that I can post on this website,
send it to learnfrenchwithbrigitte@gmail.com , write it and send it.

Thank you for visiting and have a great day!



Learn French – Why would you?

Learn French

Why would you learn French? Is it of any use in a world where giant new players such as China, India and the African continent are sitting at the table?

Official Language of Key Organizations

The first good reason to learn French is the fact that many international organizations use French as one of their official languages. For example, Wikipedia lists 86 such institutions. And, to name a few:

  • The United Nations and its agencies
  • The Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders
  • The FIDC (Fédération Internationale des Échecs or International Chess Federation)
  • Several sport federations
  • The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) and the WTO (World Trade Organization).

If you intend to deal with any of these organizations, learn French.

5th Place Worldwide in Terms of Number of Speakers

As of September 2019, French holds the 5th place worldwide in terms of number of speakers using the language: 280 million. Per ethnologue.com, it has more non-native speakers (203 million) than native speakers (77 million).

Learn French

Where Do You Find Francophones?

Frankly, a little bit all over the world but Asia.

And, believe it or not, there are about 2 million people in the USA alone, who speak French at home. This is according to the 2010 Census and the American community survey. By the way, don’t miss the next upcoming census, so we all know where we stand! Go here: https://2020census.gov/en

Let’s get back to topic. Where else do we have French speaking population?

France of course, as well as Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Monaco.

In addition, Europe counts roughly 20% non-francophone Europeans who can speak French.

On the other side of the Atlantic, French Guiana marks the South and Quebec the North American continent. As a note, Quebec is the second largest economy in Canada after Ontario.

However, nothing beats the African continent. There, nine countries are using French as their only official language: Benin, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. They total 180 million speakers.

As a point, these countries have among the highest fertility rate in the world. Thus, they will account for the increase in French speakers worldwide in the next 30 years.

There are other countries in Africa where French is used but to a lesser degree: See them all here.

If you intend to play a role in Africa economic development, learning French will definitely be an asset.

Learning French, Romance and Music to Your Ears

For the last 500 years of the Middle Ages, the English court was speaking French. This aspect is a boon for English speakers to learn French. Being already familiar with many borrowed words, learning is really easy. A lot easier than learning a different alphabet!

Next, French is melodic. Hearing it brings a smile on your face and makes you feel on cloud nine.  What’s the secret?  We harmonize the sound in between words, and if we need to, we simply take a letter out or add one in.  

At the same time, the French language is an analytic language. This means that you can very easily sum up a text by separating its key elements. It requires that you think logically, which develops your critical skills and is useful in discussions and negotiations.

Heritage to Share

And last, but not necessarily the least important, France has a wealth of culture to offer. Isn’t it better to read Classics such as Voltaire, Rousseau, Hugo, Zola in their original text than in a translated version?

What about its cinema? It brought us Beauty and the Beast from Jean Cocteau, Le Salaire de la peur from Henri-Georges Clouzot, The 400 Blows from François Truffaut, Welcome to the Sticks from Dany Boon and so many more great movies.  

Its cities and countryside offer not only a gorgeous historical voyage but also a pleasant sense of joy of living. Joviality, wine and good food sum it up.

Fact is, France is the most visited country in the world. What are you waiting for? Plan your next visit now.

First, learn French!

French is easy to learn, it will open the doors to learning Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian.

Contact me here. I’ll teach you the basics and… voila! You can fly to Paris or the French Riviera for your next vacation or visit the Loire castles!





Casual French Conversation

Casual French Conversation

Welcome to some casual French conversation. We’ve been having them for the past 10 years and enjoy sharing our knowledge.

French Conversation Gatherings Happen When?

We’re meeting for a casual French conversation on various topics every month. I usually set a point of interest for the only reason that without one many people do not dare speaking.

I actually run three different meetups organized around the level of speaking skills of the participants.

For those who already have a good grasp of French or are semi-fluent, choose this group: French Conversation Conejo Valley

For those who have the basics and want to improve speaking skills and vocabulary, I suggest our book reading hour. We read several chapters aloud together, I correct pronunciation and explain new vocabulary as needed. Each participant read individually in turn: French Conversation Online.

Finally we have the beginner group where we do various things. We may watch a video, read a poem or a small book, explain some grammar rules or French expressions to look like a French speaker, drill the pronunciation etc.Simi Valley French Language Meetup Group

How Do we Go About it?

Since the main purpose of our meeting is for you to practice your French speaking skills, you’ve got to say something! Listening is not enough. Sharing is important. Knowing in advance what you will be talking about brings up your confidence so you can get the most of out it.

I specifically require that each participant prepares a little presentation to the group of his take on the subject. From there, French conversation can occur. It also ensures that everyone gets the opportunity to communicate in French. Otherwise, you have those who overpower those who are shy and half of the assembly does not say a word. This doesn’t happen in our group. Each person has his/her time to practice and express themselves. Well, of course, the homework is not mandatory but If you’re not fluent, I highly recommend it to not be put on the spot! Yes, I do go around the table and make sure everyone has a chance to put their thoughts out loud.

We Are Celebrating Our 10th Anniversary (updated in 2023)

This coming August, we’ll be factually celebrating our 10th anniversary. During that time, we’ve touched just about everything and anything: any particulars on a date on the calendar such as 4th and 14th July, scuba diving, astronomy, health, recycling, entertainment, travel, books, films, Noble prizes, French expressions, bridges in the world, favorite songs, geography, customs, history, science, etc. etc. We’ve played games, had strolls, shared a French pastry, been to the movies. In short, we never out of imagination to stimulate our brains with the French language.

French conversation
Enjoying French Conversation with a French Pastry

The best is all what we learn from one another as our participants are very creative and always bring up new interesting tidbits about so many different aspects of life and livingness.

Is This French Conversation Group for You?

So now you’re wondering if this French conversation group really fits your hopes.

As long as you love the French language, the French culture, its exquisite cuisine, its diverse coastline and peaceful countryside, the “je ne sais quoi” in Paris that turns your heart upside down, the love for freedom, you’re a good candidate for our group.

Whether you’re a beginner or fluent, you can find your place and what you’re looking for, improving your French, brushing it up, taking the rust off, finding friendships with similar likes, simply relax and have a good time enjoying one hour of French conversation.

Learning and practicing a second language is not only vital to keep your brain healthy longer as shown in studies and in particular one executed by the University of Edinburgh, but also helps your kids get better academic grades on their SAT and ACT tests as shown in publications such as the Modern Language Journal and ADFL (Association of Departments of Foreign Languages) Bulletin.

Frankly it is also simply fun and relaxing. You discover new habits and customs. Your mind’s view of the world enlarges and takes on a whole new level of perceptions.

To experience all the fun and the exhilaration of sharing a new language, I invite you to our next meeting if you can make it. This group is for those
who are fluent or close to, or those who can read it and write it but cannot
speak. You’ve got to get your feet wet. Prepare what you’re going to say and go from there. Click here to RSVP.

For any question make a free 30-minute appointment

What High Schools Prepare you to Speak French?

Where do You Learn French?

Several High Schools are delivering French in Simi Valley and surrounding cities. This, in spite of being right in the middle of the highest speaking Spanish population in the US, at 40 miles North of downtown Los Angeles. However, this is not so surprising when you know that California counts over 120,000 French speaking people and, per a study made by the investment bank Natixis, the number of French speaking people in the world is meant to increase drastically within the next 30 years due to the African continent’s forecast development .
So, if you live in the Simi or Conejo Valleys and are interested in learning the French language, simply apply to one of these establishments listed below:

Simi Valley High Schools:

Simi Valley – Wood Ranch area

Royal High School
1402 Royal Ave, Simi Valley, CA 93065
Phone: (805) 306-4875

Standing since 1968, Royal HS delivers French as part of the International Baccalaureat (IB program).

Simi Valley High School
5400 Cochran Street, Simi Valley, CA 93065
Phone (805) 577-1400

Simi Valley HS was established in 1920 and will be celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. The French language is part of their curriculum.

Santa Susanna High School
570 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063
Phone: (805) 520-6800

Santa Susanna HS was built in 1970 and is located 6-7 miles down the same street as Simi Valley HS. They also teach French as part of their syllabus.

Thousand Oaks High Schools

Thousand Oaks High School
2323 N Moorpark Rd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: (805) 495-7491

Founded in 1962, you’ll be able to learn French at the Thousand Oaks HS

La Reina High School
106 W Janss Rd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Established in 1964, La Reina HS is a private independent high school and lists French on its curriculum.

Newbury High School
456 N Reino Rd, Newbury Park, CA 91320
Phone: (805) 498-3676

Standing since 1967, Newbury HS delivers French as part of its IB program.

Westlake High School
100 Lakeview Canyon Rd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
(805) 497-6711

Westlake HS is in Ventura county and presents French on its curriculum.

Westlake Village High School

Christian Oaks High School
31749 La Tienda Rd, Westlake Village, CA 91362
Phone: (818) 575-9900

Founded in 2000, Christian Oaks HS is a non-denominational high school and shows French on its syllabus.


Viewpoint High School
23620 Mulholland Hwy, Calabasas, CA 91302
(818) 591-6500

Viewpoint School is a private school in Calabasas, Los Angeles County. It delivers French as part of its curriculum.

Camarillo High School

Adolfo Camarillo High School
4660 Mission Oaks Blvd, Camarillo, CA 93012
(805) 389-6407

Adolfo Camarillo HS was established in 1956 and offers French as one of the languages taught.

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The Leonardo Da Vinci Exhibition in Simi Valley

The Reagan Library invites you to a fabulous Leonardo Da Vinci exhibition in Simi Valley. Not only will you find copies of pages of the famous Codex Atlanticus written in mirror image, i.e. written with the left hand from left to right, but also live representations of his many sketches and drawings throughout it. For example, you’ll admire his Musical Cannon and Great Organ.

Musical Cannon designed by Leonardo Da Vinci
Da Vinci Great Organ

Here’s a quick overview of his life

Leonardo Da Vinci was born in the small town of Vinci in Tuscany, close to Florence, Italy, on 14 April 1452. He died at Clos Lucé, Amboise, France, on 2 May 1519 at the age of 67.

Clos Lucé – France
Amboise – France

First Years in Florence

At age 14, Leonardo Da Vinci apprenticed in Verrocchio’s workshop in Florence. Andrea del Verrocchio was a painter, sculptor and goldsmith. He was the master of a workshop where he trained many painters.

There, Leonardo, exposed not only to the humanities but also to a vast range of technical skills such as drafting, drawing, painting, sculpting, modeling, chemistry, metallurgy, mechanics, carpentry. At 20, he became a master in the Guild of St Luke, the guild of artists and doctors of medicine.

Painter, Architect, Engineer

Up until 1481 he was commissioned for several paintings in Florence. Then, in 1482 he moved to Milan where he was at the service of Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan. He was employed as a military architect and engineer, devising methods to improve the city waterways.

At the same time, he painted The Last Supper in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie. He completed it in 1498.

In 1499, after the French invaded Italy, Ludovico Sforza was overthrown. Subsequently, Leonardo returned to Florence. Between 1500 and 1502 he painted The Virgin and Child with St. Anne and St. John the Baptist.

In 1502 he started working for Cesare Borgia as a military architect and engineer. He was traveling with him throughout Italy. You will observe, as you move along the exhibition, his numerous works relating to battleships and artillery as well as city planning.

At the end of 1503, he went back to Florence where he spent two years painting a great mural of The Battle of Anghiari for the Signoria (the Florence government at the time).

The Vatican Palace

From 1513 to 1516, he worked at the Belvedere in the Vatican palace along with Raphael and Michelangelo. In 1515, Francis I of France won the Battle of Marignano. Then, on 19th December, Leonardo assisted at the meeting between Francis I and Pope Leo X in Bologna. Subsequently, he was commissioned to build a mechanical lion for Francis I. The lion walks and hands lilies. A live representation of it stands at the beginning of the tour.

Da Vinci Mechanical Lion

End of Life

For the last three years of his life, he worked for Francis I, and lived at Clos Lucé near the king’s residence at the Chateau Royal d’Amboise.

The king became a close friend. He was the one who eventually acquired the Mona Lisa painting which is now on display at The Louvres museum in Paris.

Throughout his life, Leonardo da Vinci has had a drive and concern of producing useful work for the community. This intention reflects in the details and precision of each of his endeavors. His notes were meticulous and precise. One example is what he did with the Vitruvian man as well as his study of the human body anatomy.

The 500th anniversary of his death has generated numerous expos throughout Europe and the USA. The Simi Valley Leonardo Da Vinci Exhibition is a must see for all. If you happen to live in the area, don’t miss the incredible opportunity to meet one of the genius of all times. It ends September 8, 2019.